2017 Active Living Strategy Updates
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Construction project will enhance active living in Lake City.
“Increasing infrastructure for safe walking and biking will enhance the health of Lake City’s residents by making the area safer and more comfortable, and will increase the beautification of the area attracting more visitors.”
- Tina Moen, Wabasha County SHIP Coordinator
After several years of hard work promoting Lake City as a Bicycle Friendly Community, the Lake City Council approved a measure on April 10, 2017 to convert a stretch of Highway 61/Lakeshore Drive from four lanes to three. Construction will begin in 2020.
The lane change is one part of a larger project to connect the Mississippi River Trail State Bikeway to other Bicycle Friendly Communities along the route. The goal is to create a bike-and-pedestrian safe infrastructure that promotes and provides accessibility to active living and improved health.
Tina says this lane conversion is a way to enhance SHIP priorities, including the promotion of active living and enhancing the local bike share program. Four-to-three-lane conversions remain one of the best tools in engineering to increase safety for all road users, including motorists, bicyclists and pedestrians. Her work won’t stop here. She recently attended trainings designed to capture the quantitative success of the three lane conversion.
Rendering of Lake City’s approved plan for Highway 61/Lakeshore Drive. Construction will begin in 2020.
Bike lending program at Lake City Marina.
The Lake City community bike program:
A great example of how SHIP helps communities create opportunities for residents to be healthier.
We are always open to developing partnerships with community groups, schools and businesses that seek to promote and encourage people to live healthier lives.
Learn more by contacting Tina Moen at tmoen@co.wabasha.mn.us