Community Active Living Setting
2024 Community Active Living Setting Updates
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Wabasha Athletic Complex
The City of Wabasha continues to work toward implementing their Parks and Trails Master Plan with SHIP Support.
The City of Wabasha Parks and Trails Master Plan serves as a guide to aid in identifying and prioritizing future park and trail system improvements over the next 10 years and beyond. The master plan was sponsored in part, by a Community Partner Award through the Statewide Health Improvement Partnership (SHIP) and was completed in 2022. One of the six highlights in the master plan was a new athletic field to be placed behind the city hall. In December 2023 the City of Wabasha submitted an application to SHIP for Community Partner Funding. With the funding they were awarded, they installed an Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) compliant water fountain at the new park.
“Thanks to SHIP, we were able to purchase and install a new fountain which will serve all public visitors to our new Wabasha Athletic Complex,” said Tony Johnson, Public Works Director.
Getting enough water every day is important for health. Drinking water can prevent dehydration, which may cause unclear thinking, mood change, overheating, constipation, and kidney stones. Water has no calories, so replacing sugary drinks with plain water can help reduce caloric intake. Your body needs more water when you are more physically active and hot climates. Read more on the Center for Disease Control’s webpage about water and healthier drinks.
SHIP is a state-based program that works at the local level to support healthier communities by expanding opportunities for active living, healthy eating, well-being and tobacco-free living, thereby helping to reduce the leading causes of chronic disease.
For information on what it means to partner with Wabasha County SHIP on healthy eating, physical activity, well-being, and/or tobacco-free environment projects, please email Tina Moen or call her at 651-565-5200.
Project Get Outdoors
Project Get Outdoors offers outdoor experiences locally.
Project Get Outdoors (GO) facilitates outdoor experiences that develop healthy kids and increase environmental stewardship behaviors. We focus on working with community organizations to connect children with nature. We do this by providing training and support to community organization leaders and volunteers.
Project GO envisions a world in which all kids, every day, spend time outdoors. High-quality, efficient, outdoor programs are embedded in communities and have stable funding.
Project GO offers the following services:
Leader trainings
Childcare provider trainings
Outdoor learning area site consultation
Nature and forest therapy programming
Resources to engage children with nature
Customized nature programming
Seeking to support families and children as well as their providers in participating in outdoor experiences, Project GO has worked with AmeriCorps to create a free Experience, Explore and Get Outdoors! year-long calendar designed to connect children with nature.
SHIP is a state-based program that works at the local level to support healthier communities by expanding opportunities for active living, healthy eating, well-being and tobacco-free living, thereby helping to reduce the leading causes of chronic disease.
For information on what it means to partner with Wabasha County SHIP on healthy eating, physical activity, well-being, and/or tobacco-free environment projects, please email Tina Moen or call her at 651-565-5200.
Bike Safety Helmets
Let’s learn about bike safety.
The Minnesota Bicycling Handbook is meant to help bicyclists use Minnesota’s roads and trails safely and enjoyably. One important chapter within the Minnesota Bicycling Handbook is Safety Equipment.
Tips for fitting a bike helmet is an important part of bicycling safety equipment.
Helmet Position
Your helmet should sit level on your head and low on your forehead – one or two finger widths above your eyebrows.
Side Straps
Adjust the slider on both side straps to form a V-shape under and slightly in front of each ear.
Final Fit
Does your helmet fit right? Open your mouth wide…big yawn! The helmet should pull down on the head.
League of American Bicyclists says, “Wearing a bike helmet improperly is the same as not wearing a bike helmet at all.” See the League’s video and learn more about other safe biking topics.
SHIP is a state-based program that works at the local level to support healthier communities by expanding opportunities for active living, healthy eating, well-being and tobacco-free living, thereby helping to reduce the leading causes of chronic disease.
For information on what it means to partner with Wabasha County SHIP on healthy eating, physical activity, well-being, and/or tobacco-free environment projects, please email Tina Moen or call her at 651-565-5200.
River Trail Update Federal Grant
Kellogg Wabasha Trail Connection receives $1.5 million federal grant.
The City of Wabasha, the City of Kellogg, Wabasha County, and Greenfield Township have formed the River Trail Joint Powers Board to work on a project for a future bridge over the Zumbro River and trail link connecting the communities.
Working cooperatively together, they applied for and recently received notification that they have been approved for a $1.5 million grant award in federal aid from the Transportation Alternatives Program. The program supports projects that help create walking and biking opportunities. The approved funding is programmed in 2028, however, the Joint Powers Board is working to construct the project in an earlier year as well as other potential funding opportunities.
The funds will help construct a multi-use trail and trail bridge from Winona Avenue near Kellogg over the Zumbro River connecting to 645th Street.
“We are thrilled about the grant award,” says Susie McNallan, Council Member for the City of Kellogg. “We definitely can see this project becoming a reality.”
“The project has a lot of good momentum and I am glad to have the County lending a hand toward supporting the project," said Michael Plante, Wabasha County Administrator.
To learn more about the project, please see the City of Wabasha’s websites.
Kellogg secured $10,000 from SHIP to fund planning for the shared use trail in December 2022 and another $8,000 of SHIP funding to support engineering costs for the bridge in January 2024. This project was envisioned by the Wabasha Area Walk/Bike Advocates. See the timeline below.
SHIP is a state-based program that works at the local level to support healthier communities by expanding opportunities for active living, healthy eating, well-being and tobacco-free living, thereby helping to reduce the leading causes of chronic disease.
For information on what it means to partner with Wabasha County SHIP on healthy eating, physical activity, well-being, and/or tobacco-free environment projects, please email Tina Moen or call her at 651-565-5200.
2023 Community Active Living Setting Updates
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Kellogg-Wabasha trail connection determined to be feasible.
Trail Update
Click on image to view larger.
The City of Wabasha, the City of Kellogg, Wabasha County, Wabasha Driftskippers Snowmobile Club, and Greenfield Township all came together to plan for a future bridge and trail link connecting the two communities. Using grant funds from the Southern Minnesota Initiative Foundation (SMIF), Statewide Health Improvement Partnership (SHIP), and Laura Jane Musser Fund, they were able to complete a feasibility study that maps out a plan and budget for a bridge over the Zumbro River and multi-use trail connecting the two communities. The trail would be for pedestrians, bicyclists, ATV, and snowmobiles.
The feasibility study found that the proposed trail corridor would improve safety and connectivity between Kellogg and Wabasha. It would also create a critical link for students from Kellogg and Greenfield Township to walk and bike to the schools. It would bring snowmobilers, ATVers, and bicyclists off Highway 61 and improve safety. It also would enhance the Mississippi River Trail (MRT) corridor through this segment of southeastern Minnesota. The study also identified a preferred route, indicated as “Trail Segment A- Option 2” in the map, and found that the reusing the old railroad bridge piers was feasible.
“As a snowmobiler who has to go on Highway 61, I am so excited about this project and what it could do for this community,” said Driftskippers Club President Norm “Skip” Larson.
Another active member in the group is Susie McNallan, who is an active ATVer and Council Member for the City of Kellogg. “I haven’t talked to anyone who isn’t excited about this project, just because the current routes available for ATVers and snowmobilers are just not safe,” McNallan stated at a recent trail meeting.
Craig Falkum is a Wabasha resident, former Wabasha Council Member and bicyclist indicated that this is a long-held priority for the communities at the last meeting. “We’ve been talking about this a long time, so it’s great to see this project moving ahead,” said Falkum.
“The project has a lot of good momentum and I am glad to have the County lending a hand towards supporting the project,” said Michael Plante, Wabasha County Administrator.
The feasibility study also indicated there would be a hefty price tag to complete the entire project - about $5 million. However, the group is hoping to break the project into phases and focus on the bridge connection first, estimated at $1.2 million. The group is now determining if there could be ways to find cost savings on the bridge by reusing a bridge from another community and is looking into applying for grants to support the project. They also plan to form a joint powers agreement amongst the communities to be able to make decisions regarding the project.
SHIP is a state-based program that works at the local level to support healthier communities by expanding opportunities for active living, healthy eating, well-being and tobacco-free living, thereby helping to reduce the leading causes of chronic disease and death.
For information on what it means to partner with Wabasha County SHIP on healthy eating, physical activity, well-being, and/or tobacco-free environment projects, please email Tina Moen or call her at 651-565-5200.
Bike Month 2023
May is National Bike Month, promoted by the League of American Bicyclists, see how this initiative is supported locally.
Established in 1956 and celebrated in communities from coast to coast, National Bike Month is a chance to showcase the many benefits of bicycling and encourage more folks to give biking a try. As a national sponsor, the league provides resources to help you and local organizations in your area plan an event, and each year the number and diversity of Bike Month celebrations continues to grow, accelerating the momentum around bicycling nationwide.
Bike to Work Week is May 15-21
Bike to Work Day is Friday, May 19
With a focus on individual and community wellbeing, we’ll be highlighting how you can #BikeThere during Bike Month.
Whether you’re riding for fun, fitness or with family, or taking essential trips to work or shop, you are part of our movement for safer streets, connected communities, a healthier planet, and happier people.
Several Wabasha County resources help residents to GET OUT and GET ACTIVE
(click on blue links to learn more)
Elgin - Great River Ridge Trail
Hammond -Bike repair station and bike rack.
Lake City - Community Bike Program, Walking Lake Pepin, Biking Guide of Lake Pepin
Plainview - Comprehensive Plan
Wabasha - Wabasha Public Bike Share, Wabasha Biking Guide, Brochures and Maps,
Wabasha-An Active Living River Town GIS Map, Parks and Trails Master Plan
A big thank you to our local businesses whom have been recognized as BICYCLE FRIENDLY BUSINESS℠ (BFB℠ ) in 2020!
River Rider Cycles
If you would like information on becoming a BFB, please email SHIP Coordinator, Tina Moen or call her at 651-565-5200. SHIP is a state-based program that works at the local level to support healthier communities by expanding opportunities for active living, healthy eating, and commercial tobacco-free living.
Planning a Shared-Use Trail System
A shared-use trail system envisioned by Wabasha Area Walk/Bike Advocates is continuing momentum with SHIP support.
A project envisioned by the Wabasha Area Walk/Bike Advocates is resulting in a collaboration between the Cities of Wabasha and Kellogg and many other stakeholders. The group is planning for a shared-use trail system to cross the Zumbro River safely for recreational users like bicycles, UTVs, and snowmobiles. The goal is to provide a safer alternative from using the U.S. 61 route.
The trail would also encourage Safe Routes to School by making walking and biking between the two communities much safer and more accessible. The trail, which will require a bridge to cross the river to connect the communities, would help both Wabasha and Kellogg promote outdoor recreation for the future by attracting tourists to the area.
Once this project is completed, the group envisions a measurable increase in students’ ability to bike to school which is not currently safe nor possible. The project will also have a critical impact on safety for all users, as it will re-route users away from Highway 61. It is hopeful the project will be added to the Mississippi River Trail route.
“The first steps identified to realize this project is a detailed project plan, feasibility study, and engineering plan to be able to pursue grants and support for the project,” said Caroline Gregerson, City of Wabasha Administrator.
Various stakeholders, invested in a Wabasha-Kellogg trail connection, are meeting on how to realize the project. They have obtained grant funding to do a feasibility study which is almost complete and identifies the trail options.
To learn more about how to join the initiative contact Caroline Gregerson, City of Wabasha Administrator at
651-560-4860 or via email.
Wabasha Area Walk/Bike Advocates have accomplished many great things with the support of Wabasha County SHIP in the following ways:
Tina Moen, Coordinator, has been facilitating Wabasha Area Walk/Bike Advocates meetings nearly monthly since 2018.
In 2018 the City of Wabasha contracted with SHIP for a $10,000 grant to implement the Wabasha Public Bike Share.
In 2019 the Wabasha Bicycle Club, Inc. contracted with SHIP for $1,770 to fund the online development of the Wabasha Biking Guide.
In 2021 and 2023 the City of Wabasha contracted with SHIP for two accessible water fountain/bottle filler station totaling $7,970.
In 2022 the City of Wabasha contracted with SHIP for $15,000 in support of their Parks and Trails Master Plan.
In 2023 the City of Kellogg contracted with SHIP for $10,000 in support of the Wabasha Kellogg Multi-Purpose Bridge Trail Project Plan.
“Thank you for all of those involved in this group’s accomplishments. It took a lot of partners working consistently to make all of these sustainable projects a success,” says Moen.
SHIP is a state-based program that works at the local level to support healthier communities by expanding opportunities for active living, healthy eating, well-being and tobacco-free living, thereby helping to reduce the leading causes of chronic disease and death.
For information on what it means to partner with Wabasha County SHIP on healthy eating, physical activity, well-being, and/or tobacco-free environment projects, please email Tina Moen or call her at 651-565-5200.
Master Plan
City of Wabasha Completes a Parks and Trails Master Plan with SHIP Support.
The City of Wabasha, in collaboration with a steering committee comprised of Wabasha residents, has been developing a city-wide Parks and Trails Master Plan. This master plan serves as a guide to aid in identifying and prioritizing future park and trail system improvements over the next 10 years and beyond.
The plan can be viewed online.
During development of the plan, three meetings of the steering committee occurred where input was collected, and recommendations were developed and reviewed. Project materials were presented to the public for feedback at a pop-up engagement event held during the Septoberfest Pumpkin Derby at Heritage Park. Additionally, results from park and trail system surveys administered in 2015 and 2021 respectively were also used to aid in the development of plan recommendations.
Parks and Trails Master Plan highlights:
Proposals for new walking and biking trails in Wabasha
New athletic field design for behind City Hall (planned to be under construction in 2023)
New all-abilities playground at Schmidt Park
Future campground at Marcou Park
Future playground at Eagles Basin
Maintenance items for park upkeep
"We are so excited to have partnered with SHIP on this great project- already we are seeing how the plan is helping us advance major projects that will make our community more healthy and vibrant."
-Caroline Gregerson, City Administrator
This project was sponsored in part, by a Community Partner Award through the Statewide Health Improvement Partnership (SHIP). SHIP is a state-based program that works at the local level to support healthier communities by expanding opportunities for active living, healthy eating, well-being and tobacco-free living, thereby helping to reduce the leading causes of chronic disease. For information on what it means to partner with Wabasha County SHIP on healthy eating, physical activity, well-being, and/or tobacco-free environment projects, please email Tina Moen or call her at 651-565-5200.
Those interested may also get involved with the Wabasha Area Walk/Bike Advocates, a local advocacy group meeting since Spring of 2019. See our events page.
2022 Community Active Living Setting Updates
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City of Plainview completes a pedestrian plan and works toward making positive change.
Pedestrian Planning
The City of Plainview has been participating in the Plainview-Elgin-Millville Safe Routes to School Team meetings since November 2020. Through participation in those meetings, facilitated by Tina Moen, Wabasha County Statewide Health Improvement Partnership (SHIP) Coordinator, the city learned they may be able to receive partial SHIP funding support to complete a pedestrian plan.
The top three priorities identified in the pedestrian plan are as follows:
Click to view map larger.
To support Active Living and increase physical activity throughout the community for all age groups.
To increase the safety of pedestrians and bicyclists in all areas of the community.
To connect neighborhoods to the school and business district through pedestrian and bicycle routes.
“This plan allows us to strategically address our greatest pedestrian needs and provides residents and businesses with a clear vision of how we will achieve our active living goals,” says Mayor Aaron Luckstein
Richard Baker, Plainview’s Development Services Coordinator adds, “having this plan should help to secure funding to address the community priorities identified through surveys, focus groups, and public input meetings.”
Read below about other MN Moves activities Wabasha County Statewide Health Improvement Partnership (SHIP) can support during the 2022/2023 grant cycle which begins November 1, 2022.
MN Moves community activities are as follows:
Improve safety and access for active transportation and mobility
Safe routes to school
Park planning
Destination design and placemaking policies
Transit planning and access support
Safe routes to food
Support vision zero policies
Local planning (includes zoning, land use, and comprehensive planning)
Bicycle-friendly or walk-friendly certification
Bicycle sharing program
Cultural liaisons in parks
SHIP is a state-based program that works at the local level to support healthier communities by expanding opportunities for active living, healthy eating, well-being and tobacco-free living, thereby helping to reduce the leading causes of chronic disease and death. For information on what it means to partner with Wabasha County SHIP on healthy eating, physical activity, well-being, and/or tobacco-free environment projects, please email Tina Moen or call her at 651-565-5200.
Get Out and Ride!
Let’s go biking - May is National Bike Month!
Established in 1956, National Bike Month is celebrated in communities from coast to coast and promoted by the League of American Bicyclists.
National Bike Month is an opportunity to showcase the many benefits of bicycling - and encourage more folks to giving biking a try. Several resources in Wabasha County help residents GET OUT and GET ACTIVE, including:
City of Lake City resources: Community Bike Program, Walking Lake Pepin, Biking Guide of Lake Pepin
City of Plainview resources:
Trailhead Park / Great River Ridge Trail.
City of Wabasha resources:
Wabasha Public Bike Share, Wabasha Biking Guide, Brochures and Maps, Wabasha-An Active Living River Town GIS Map
City of Wabasha
To help support National Bike Month, Wabasha Bike Share got their bikes out for the year the first week of May. A special THANKS to Wabasha Main Street for funding the replacement of the updated bike locks this year, and for Bill Kay’s research and trialing plus installation of the updated bike locks. The locks work the same as they did previously as a dock-less solution that uses solar powered Bluetooth smart locks mounted on bicycles. Learn more about the Republic Bikes locking system here.
City of Lake City
Lake City Planning and Community Development Director, Megan Smith, indicated the first week of May that the Lake City Community Bikes will be available for use as soon as all of the boats are in the marina, when staffing at the marina is available and able to check out the bikes. She also said they plan to budget for replacing the community bikes in 2023.
Wabasha County Statewide Health Improvement Partnership (SHIP) funded the start-up costs for both Wabasha Bike Share and Lake City Community Bike share projects.
City of Hammond
Renewing the Countryside submitted a SHIP application on behalf of the City of Hammond in 2021. “The town lacked support for local kids and adults who bike, as well as the many bikers who cycle through the lovely valley and along the Zumbro River,” said, Jan Joannides, executive director and co-founder of Renewing the Countryside. With an approved application, the City of Hammond was able to install a bike rack and a bike repair station.
SHIP is a state-based program that works at the local level to support healthier communities by expanding opportunities for active living, healthy eating, well-being and tobacco-free living, thereby helping to reduce the leading causes of chronic disease and death. For information on what it means to partner with Wabasha County SHIP on healthy eating, physical activity, well-being, and/or tobacco-free environment projects, please email Tina Moen or call her at 651-565-5200.