Our Partners
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Community Partner Funding Update
Our Current SHIP grant cycle began November 2024 and goes through October 31, 2025.
$18,800.00 in Community Partner Funding (CPF) was announced January 2025. We have awarded or are processing $11,485.00 in CPF and have $7,315.00 remaining in our budget at this time.
Planning to apply for Community Partner Funding?
Learn about our grant cycle, allowable expenses, and deadlines first.
Contact Wabasha County SHIP Coordinator Tina Moen. Email Tina | Call 651-565-5200
Thank you to the organizations below for contracting with us!
Community Setting
City of Wabasha
Goodhue, Wabasha, Pierce Counties Breastfeeding CoalitionSchool Setting
Plainview-Elgin-Millville Community Schools
Workplace Setting
Hiawatha Valley Mental Health Center
SHIP is a state-based program that works at the local level to support healthier communities by expanding opportunities for active living, healthy eating, and tobacco-free living, thereby helping to reduce the leading causes of chronic disease and death. For information on what it means to partner with Wabasha County SHIP on healthy eating, physical activity, and/or tobacco-free environment projects, please email Tina Moen or call her at 651-565-5200.
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A total of $18,016.00 in Community Partner Funding dollars have been awarded November 2023-October 2024. Thank you to the organizations below for contracting with us.
Thank you to the organizations below for contracting with us!
Community Setting
City of Wabasha
City of KelloggHealthcare Setting
Elder Network
School Setting
Workplace Setting
SHIP is a state-based program that works at the local level to support healthier communities by expanding opportunities for active living, healthy eating, and tobacco-free living, thereby helping to reduce the leading causes of chronic disease and death. For information on what it means to partner with Wabasha County SHIP on healthy eating, physical activity, and/or tobacco-free environment projects, please email Tina Moen or call her at 651-565-5200.
Interested in partnering and applying for Community Partner Funding?
First, you'll need to discuss your project and learn about allowable expenses, our grant cycle and deadlines with Wabasha County SHIP Coordinator Tina Moen. Email Tina | Call 651-565-5200
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Community Partner Funding Update
A total of $25,212.00 in Community Partner Funding dollars have been awarded November 2022-October 2023. Thank you to the organizations below for contracting with us.
Thank you to the organizations below for contracting with us!
Community Setting
City of Kellogg
City of Wabasha
Wabasha Area Food ShareWorksite Wellness Setting
Wabasha Ambulance
Schools Setting
Immanuel LutheranHealthcare Setting
Gundersen St. Elizabeth’s Medical Center
Elder Network
Planning to apply for Community Partner Funding?
Learn about our grant cycle, allowable expenses, and deadlines first.
Contact Wabasha County SHIP Coordinator Tina Moen. Email Tina | Call 651-565-5200
SHIP is a state-based program that works at the local level to support healthier communities by expanding opportunities for active living, healthy eating, and tobacco-free living, thereby helping to reduce the leading causes of chronic disease and death. For information on what it means to partner with Wabasha County SHIP on healthy eating, physical activity, and/or tobacco-free environment projects, please email Tina Moen or call her at 651-565-5200.
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Community Partner Funding Update
A total of $33,857.00 Community Partner Funding dollars have been awarded November 2021 through October 2022. Thank you to the organizations below for contracting with us.
Thank you to the organizations below for contracting with us!
Community Healthy Eating and Active Living Strategy
City of Wabasha
Mazeppa Food Shelf
Wabasha Farmers Market
Worksite Wellness Strategy
Cardinal Health
Schools Strategy
Plainview-Elgin-Millville High School
St. Felix Catholic School
SHIP is a state-based program that works at the local level to support healthier communities by expanding opportunities for active living, healthy eating, and tobacco-free living, thereby helping to reduce the leading causes of chronic disease and death. For information on what it means to partner with Wabasha County SHIP on healthy eating, physical activity, and/or tobacco-free environment projects, please email Tina Moen or call her at 651-565-5200.
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Community Partner Funding Update
A total of $47,353.00 Community Partner Funding dollars have been awarded November 2020 through October 2021. Thank you to the organizations below for contracting with us. We continue to welcome submissions, but they may not get processed this grant cycle which ends October 2021.
Thank you to the organizations below for contracting with us!
Our Grantees
Community Healthy Eating and Active Living Strategy
Wabasha Area Food Share
Susan Draves/Lake City Market by the Lake
Wabasha Chamber of Commerce
Wabasha Main Street
Renewing the Countryside for City of Hammond
City of Plainview
Healthcare Strategy
Wabasha Public Library (Senior Action Team)
Wabasha County Parks Rx Project (Nathan Kent, DNR Intern)
St. Elizabeth’s Community Foundation
Worksite Wellness Strategy
Wabasha County
Schools Strategy
St. Felix Catholic School
Wabasha-Kellogg School District
Immanuel Lutheran School
For information on what it means to partner with Wabasha County SHIP on healthy eating, physical activity, tobacco-free environment projects, and/or are interested in applying for SHIP funds, please email Tina Moen, SHIP Coordinator, or call her at 651-565-5200.
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Community Partner Funding Update
A total of $33,146.00 in mini grants were awarded November 2019 through October 2020. Thank you to the organizations below for contracting with us.
Worksite Wellness Strategy
Hiawatha Valley Education District (HVED/SAIL)
Community Healthy Eating and Active Living Strategy
Master Gardener Trainees Dr. Amy Sapola and Kris Kruse
City of Elgin
City of Wabasha
Wabasha Farmers Market
Wabasha Chamber of Commerce
Wabasha Area Food Shelf
National Eagle Center
School Strategy
Hiawatha Valley Education District (HVED/SAIL)
St. Felix School
If you would like information on what it means to partner with Wabasha County SHIP, please email Tina Moen or call her at 651-565-5200.
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Community Partner Funding Update
$41,680.00 in mini grants were awarded during our November 2018 through October 2019 grant cycle. Thank you to the organizations below for contracting with us.
Worksite Wellness Strategy
Wabasha County
Great River Homes, Inc.
Saint Elizabeth’s Community Development Foundation
Community Healthy Eating and Active Living Strategy
City of Wabasha
Wabasha Bicycle Club, Inc. (on behalf of the Wabasha Bike/Walk Advocates)
Wabasha County Highway Department
Wabasha Area Food Shelf
School Strategy
Wabasha-Kellogg Public School District 811
Immanuel Lutheran School-Plainview
Hiawatha Valley Education District (HVED/SAIL)
If you would like information on what it means to partner with Wabasha County SHIP, please email Tina Moen or call her at 651-565-5200.
$39,500 in mini-grants were awarded during our previous grant cycle. Thank you to the organizations below for contracting with us.
Worksite Wellness Strategy
Lake City Public Schools
Saint Elizabeth’s Medical Center
Great River Homes
Wabasha County
Community Healthy Eating & Active Living Strategies
City of Wabasha
Lake City Market By The Lake
SEMMCHRA (Maple Gove Apartments)
Wabasha Area Food Shelf
Wabasha Farmers Market
School Strategy
Zumbrota-Mazeppa Elementary
Lake City Public Schools
Healthcare Strategy
Wabasha County
If you would like information on what it means to partner with Wabasha County SHIP, please email Tina Moen or call her at 651-565-5200.
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Wall of Success Statewide News
Our work made headlines at the statewide SHIP meeting in July 2018!
Please email Tina Moen or call her at 651-565-5200 to learn how to become part of our success story.
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Expanding Opportunities and Access in the County
Wabasha County SHIP continues to collaborate with partners across the county.
During the 2016-2017 grant cycle, SHIP worked with a total of 76 partner sites to implement activities that expanded opportunities and access to healthy eating, active living, and tobacco-free living.
Seeking partner success stories.
We’re looking for photos, quotes and stories from partners receiving grant funds in order to demonstrate success in Wabasha County.
Technical assistance and financial support for health improvement efforts that align with SHIP goals have received and approved from the Minnesota Department of Health which oversees Wabasha SHIP.
If you’re a partner who has received grant funding since February 24, 2017 and have not yet sent us your story and photos, please submit to Tina Moen at tmoen@co.wabasha.mn.us.
Partner testimonials:
“Saint Elizabeth’s received SHIP support to create dedicated lactation rooms for our employees. Funding was used to furnish and equip our lactation spaces so breastfeeding moms have the resources they need to continue breastfeeding when they return to work. We are grateful for the partnership of SHIP to advance our worksite wellness initiatives.”
- Jenny Schlagenhaft, Director Community Relations, Saint Elizabeth’s Medical Center
“SHIP will brighten the future of our young children. I am proud to be part of this program and cannot wait to teach my knowledge to the youngsters in my care.”
- Stacey Kruger, child care provider
Examples of how we work together:
We partner with Wabasha County schools to promote healthy eating through the Farm-to-School program, school-based agriculture and healthy snack carts.
We partner with sites that work with farmers markets, emergency food systems, community-based agriculture and food policy councils.
We provide kits to child care providers who attend trainings to learn best practices in healthy eating, physical activity and support for breastfeeding.
Community Partner Funding Update
$55,000 in mini-grants have been awarded to the following partners during this grant cycle November 1, 2016 to October 31, 2017:
Worksite Wellness Strategy
Lake City School District-Bluffview Elementary
Saint Elizabeth’s Medical Center
Fernbrook Family Center
Community Healthy Eating & Active Living Strategies
City of Wabasha
Great River Ridge Trail Committee
Lake City Market By The Lake
Plainview Public Library
SEMMCHRA (Maple Gove Apartments)
Wabasha Farmers Market
Wabasha Area Food Shelf
School Strategy
Lake City School District-Lincoln High
Wabasha-Kellogg School District
Zumbrota-Mazeppa Elementary
Healthcare Strategy
Saint Elizabeth’s Medical Center on Behalf of the Senior Action Team
Healthy Eating
Active Living
Worksite Wellness
Health Care
Tobacco Free