Commercial Tobacco-Free Living Setting
Attorney General Warns
Minnesota Attorney General warns local retailers to stop selling deceptive vaping products.
On August 1, 2024, a new Minnesota state law took effect that restricts the sale of deceptive vaping products, also known as e-cigarettes. This new law (Minn. Stat. §§ 325F.782 and 325F.7821) prohibits the advertising, sale, or distribution of e-cigarettes that are described or depicted as imitating candy, desserts, or beverages that are commonly marketed to minors, that imitate school supplies, or that are based on or describe characters that appeal to minors.
To raise awareness of this new law, the Office of the Minnesota Attorney General (AGO) sent a letter to more than 5,000 commercial tobacco distributors and retailers on August 29, 2024, warning them to immediately stop distributing, marketing, and selling unauthorized and illegal flavored commercial tobacco products in Minnesota. These products include flavored e-cigarettes and flavored nicotine pouch products that have not been authorized for sale by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) as well as the “deceptive” vaping products, which are illegal in Minnesota per a 2024 state law (Minn. Stat. §§ 325F.782 and 325F.7821). The AGO’s letter can be read online at: Distribution or Sale of Unauthorized E-cigarettes and Oral Nicotine Pouch Products (
The AGO requests that retailers respond to their letter in writing, acknowledging that they will no longer distribute, market, or sell products that are in violation of state and federal law. The AGO also invites the public to report violations by emailing or by submitting an online form: Report the Sale of Illegal Vaping Products ( These reports will help the AGO effectively monitor Minnesota’s marketplace and ensure businesses comply with Minnesota and federal laws.
This warning letter is an important action step by the AGO to address the unauthorized sale of commercial tobacco products. Communities also have an important role in preventing youth initiation of commercial tobacco use by increasing the minimum sales age to 21 in local ordinances to align with state and federal laws. Additionally, more than 30 jurisdictions have updated local ordinances to include restrictions on the sale of flavored commercial tobacco products.
Data from the 2023 Minnesota Youth Tobacco Survey show that 93.3% of students that currently use e-cigarettes report using menthol or other flavored products. E-cigarettes contain nicotine, which is highly addictive and can harm brain development, particularly for young people. Adolescents who use nicotine are at risk of developing nicotine addiction, respiratory issues, and brain damage impacting their attention, learning, mood, and impulse control. Continued use of these products may also lead to nicotine dependence, which can worsen symptoms of anxiety and depression.
If you are interested in updating your local tobacco retailer licensing ordinance, we will connect you to free resources that are available. We appreciate your continued efforts in preventing youth commercial tobacco use and ensuring this next generation of Minnesota youth are free from the harms of commercial tobacco and a lifetime of nicotine addiction.
If you’d like to learn about partnering with Wabasha County SHIP, email Tina Moen, SHIP Coordinator or call 651-565-5200. SHIP is a state-based program that works at the local level to support healthier communities by expanding opportunities for active living, healthy eating, wellbeing, and commercial tobacco-free living.
2024 Commercial Tobacco-Free Living Setting Updates
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Wabasha County assessed 21 retailers selling commercial tobacco products.
JULY 2024: The 21 retailers assessed included convenience stores, grocery stores, liquor stores, mass merchandisers, and more.
Read the report here.
2022 Commercial Tobacco-Free Living Setting Updates
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Retail Environment
The 4 P’s of the Tobacco Retail Environment in Wabasha County.
The retail environment (or point of sale) is where tobacco enters communities. Tobacco products are marketed and sold in the retail environment at retailers like gas stations, convenience stores, grocery stores, pharmacies etc. This is the tobacco industry’s prime marketing channel and where the industry spends a majority of their marketing dollars to keep the tobacco products they make cheap and visible.
In 2021, store audits were conducted in Wabasha County to document the presence of tobacco-related marketing and tobacco products at retailers in the county. This report addresses and highlights the“4P’s”ofthe retail environment using this data collected.
Product refers to the physical tobacco product such as cigarettes, cigars, e-cigarettes, and other tobacco products.
Price refers to the cost of tobacco products.
Price Promotion refers to print advertising and discounts used to market and reduce the price of tobacco products.
Placement refers to the strategic positioning of tobacco products and tobacco marketing.
The visibility and accessibility of tobacco products and tobacco marketing in the retail environment increases tobacco use initiation, makes it harder to quit, and keeps people addicted. Use of tobacco products can lead to negative social, economic, environmental, and health-related outcomes such as disease and death. A comprehensive approach through policy, education and enforcement that addresses the “4 P’s” of the retail environment will help reduce the impact of tobacco availability and use in Wabasha County.
If you’d like to learn about partnering with Wabasha County SHIP, email Tina Moen, SHIP Coordinator or call 651-565-5200. SHIP is a state-based program that works at the local level to support healthier communities by expanding opportunities for active living, healthy eating and commercial tobacco-free living.
2021 Commercial Tobacco-Free Living Setting Updates
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Free help to quit your way.
Quit Partner is Minnesota’s free way to quit nicotine, including smoking, vaping and chewing. We can support your quit with one-on-one coaching and other helpful tools. Whenever you need us, we’re here to help 24/7. Text START to 36072 #BacktoSchool #QuitSmoking #QuitVaping #QuitPartner
For schools whom would like to learn about partnering with Wabasha County SHIP and having support implementing tools such as Minnesota Department of Health’s School Toolkit for E-cigarette Use and Prevention and Cessation, email Tina Moen, SHIP Coordinator or call 651-565-5200. SHIP is a state-based program that works at the local level to support healthier communities by expanding opportunities for active living, healthy eating and commercial tobacco-free living.
Wabasha County SHIP initiated third round of data collection in retail stores across Wabasha County.
Wabasha County SHIP, working on a grant with the Minnesota Department of Health, had the goal of visiting and collecting data at all 25 retailers across Wabasha County by the end of August 2021. We have been looking closely at both the outside and the inside of the store at each retail location, recording our observations about tobacco products and marketing materials. The last time this was completed was in 2018 (click on the image to read the report).
The data collectors have been in the stores for about 15 minutes and have done their best to stay out of the way of customers and clerks. We did not ask customers any questions. It is important for us to let you know that this is not an inspection or compliance check. Also, the results of our study are kept in summary form, never identifying any one store.
If you’d like to learn about partnering with Wabasha County SHIP, email Tina Moen, SHIP Coordinator or call 651-565-5200. SHIP is a state-based program that works at the local level to support healthier communities by expanding opportunities for active living, healthy eating and commercial tobacco-free living.
If you’d like to learn more about partnering with Wabasha County SHIP, email Tina Moen, SHIP Coordinator or call 651-565-5200. SHIP is a state-based program that works at the local level to support healthier communities by expanding opportunities for active living, healthy eating and commercial tobacco-free living.