Health Care Setting
2025 Health Care Setting Updates
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W-K Age-Friendly thanks communities
Wabasha-Kellogg Age-Friendly Collaborative thanks communities.
The Wabasha-Kellogg (WK) Age-Friendly Collaborative, a member of the AARP Network of Age-Friendly States and Communities, appreciates the response from community residents to a survey that identified areas of age-friendly livability that are most important to address.
Survey responses, totaling 187, ranked eight domains of livability in order of importance and priority. Based on community feedback, the top domains are as follows:
Community and Health Services:
Accessible and affordable services such as household chore services, homecare, fitness/wellness programming, mental health care, respite, etc. with enough trained staff
Access to healthcare locally
Access to wellness resources-affordable healthy foods and facilities for leisure, recreational, and fitness for older adults
Adequate supply of affordable housing
Housing suitable for different incomes, health statuses, and mobility limitations
Housing designs that offer comfort, safety, and peace of mind for older adults
Housing that enhances the ability to age in place
Collaborative members are now gathering additional information to learn more about the needs, gaps, and opportunities within these two priority domains. Digging deeper into these issues include engaging in discussions with local and regional organizations, agencies, and committees to gain insight into what improvements are being made or could be made to improve livability among our aging residents.
The W-K Age-Friendly Collaborative also plans to facilitate a future listening session among residents who expressed an interest in providing more information about what can be done to make our communities great places to live, work, and play through all life stages. More information about this gathering will be announced soon.
For more information about the W-K Age-Friendly Collaborative go to our website or call Jodi Johnson, Wabasha County Public Health, 651-565-5200.
SHIP is a state-based program that works at the local level to support healthier communities by expanding opportunities for active living, healthy eating, wellbeing and tobacco-free living, thereby helping to reduce the leading causes of chronic disease and death.
For information on what it means to partner with Wabasha County SHIP please email Tina Moen or call her at 651-565-5200.
2024 Health Care Setting Updates
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Powerful Tools For Caregivers
Powerful Tools for Caregivers workshop now offered locally.
Elder Network partnered with Wabasha County SHIP in 2023 and 2024 seeking support to get two people, Bonnie Sandberg (Elder Network Program Manager) and Alethea Broadwater (volunteer), trained to instruct Powerful Tools for Caregivers (PTC) locally.
(From left) Elder Network Program Manager Bonnie Sandberg and volunteer Alethea Broadwater—both trained in and holding the Powerful Tools for Caregivers Helpbook.
This six-week, in-person workshop will help anyone caring for an older friend or a relative, whether it’s at home, in a nursing home or across the country. Powerful Tools for Caregiving is an evidence-based program that helps you develop a wealth of tools to:
reduce stress
change negative self-talk
communicate more effectively
recognize the messages in emotions
make tough caregiving decisions
Alethea believes the training will help her community improve the health and wellbeing of older adults and their caregivers.
“Powerful Tools for Caregivers gave me much needed support and encouragement after my husband was diagnosed with Lewy Body Dementia in 2018. My recent training to be a PTC leader qualified me to help other caregivers find the same support. I am looking forward to teaching a fall PTC class in Wabasha with my friend and co-leader, Bonnie Sandberg,” Alethea said.
The first local class was held September/October 2024 in Wabasha and more will be scheduled. The workshops fee is $60 for the class and work-book, (financial assistance is available for those who qualify). For information about future classes, call 507-285-5272
SHIP is a state-based program that works at the local level to support healthier communities by expanding opportunities for active living, healthy eating, well-being and tobacco-free living, thereby helping to reduce the leading causes of chronic disease and death.
For information on what it means to partner with Wabasha County SHIP on healthy eating, physical activity, well-being, and/or tobacco-free environment projects, please email Tina Moen or call her at 651-565-5200.
Forest Bathing
Forest bathing walks for older adults and caregivers.
Countless health benefits have been associated with time spent in nature including lower blood pressure, decreased loneliness, rumination and anxiety; and increased sense of wellbeing.
Shinrin-yoku, also known as forest bathing, is a Japanese mindfulness practice of walking slowly in nature and using your senses to “soak” in the forest atmosphere. This gentle, adaptable practice provides numerous wellbeing benefits and can be practiced anywhere.
Join certified Nature and Forest Therapy Guide, Sara Holger, for this series of forest bathing walks designed for older adults and caregivers. We’ll explore nature together and discover awe and beauty within the local landscape.
Walks are offered one Wednesday each month from 10 am – 12 pm, May – October, 2024:
May 8 at Carley State Park
June 5 at Malone Park in Wabasha
August 7 at Beach Park in Wabasha
September 11 at Frontenac State Park
October 9 at Krueger State Forest Campground
To sign up for these free walks, call 507-951-5885 or email Sara Grover.
SHIP is a state-based program that works at the local level to support healthier communities by expanding opportunities for active living, healthy eating, well-being and tobacco-free living, thereby helping to reduce the leading causes of chronic disease and death.
For information on what it means to partner with Wabasha County SHIP on healthy eating, physical activity, well-being, and/or tobacco-free environment projects, please email Tina Moen or call her at 651-565-5200.
(W-K) Age-Friendly Collaborative Survey
Wabasha-Kellogg Age-Friendly Collaborative seeks your support in completing a community survey.
Since the formation of the Wabasha-Kellogg (W-K) Age-Friendly Collaborative, members have been hard at work laying the foundation for an ambitious undertaking to partner with local organizations, businesses, and community members to improve the quality of life for the very old, the very young, and everyone in between.
An age-friendly community is designed for people to stay active, engaged, and as healthy as possible with dignity and independence as they age. While residents of Wabasha and Kellogg already enjoy many great assets of small-town living, the W-K Age-Friendly Collaborative believes there are opportunities to explore AARP’s eight domains of livability and identify areas for improvement.
Originating from the World Health Organization and adopted by AARP’s Network of Age-Friendly States and Communities, the domains serve as a framework for adopting strategies that enable residents to thrive at every age and every life stage.
The Collaborative is currently preparing a community survey to help us identify the domains that should be addressed first.
Community members, aged 55+, will be invited to participate in a simple ranking process to determine which domains are most important to improve the livability of our seniors over the next five years. Completion of the W-K Age-Friendly Community Survey is essential and will guide the development of an action plan that targets priority needs. Follow-up listening sessions will allow interested community members to share more information about needs, gaps, and opportunities within the priority domains.
The W-K Age-Friendly Collaborative is eager to hear from local residents. Watch for announcements about the survey in the coming months.
The 8 Domains of Livability include:
A broad scope of accessible and affordable community and health services that keep seniors healthy, independent, and active, such as household chore services, homecare, fitness/wellness programming, mental health care, respite, etc
Appropriate supply of healthcare services conveniently located close to home
Access to wellness resources, including affordable healthy foods and facilities that provide leisure, recreational, and fitness activities for older adults
Enough trained health and social workers to provide services
Adequate supply of affordable housing
Housing designs that offer comfort, safety, and peace of mind for older adults
Housing options that are suitable for different incomes, health statuses, and mobility limitations
Housing that enhances the ability to age in place
Accessible, convenient, and affordable public transport (buses, taxis, shuttles, ride-share services, volunteer driver programs)
Safe sidewalks, crosswalks, and streets for pedestrians and drivers
Safe sidewalks, crosswalks, paths, and streets for bikes, scooters, and wheelchairs
Accessible parking for older drivers
Ample leisure, social, cultural, and spiritual activities
Easy-to-access programs that increase community engagement and reduce loneliness
Affordable social activities that reduce social isolation
Well-maintained indoor and outdoor recreational spaces, ample rest areas, and safe buildings (accessible buildings, elevators, zero-step entrances, and stairs with rails)
Buildings and outdoor spaces that promote improved mobility, independence, and quality of life for older people
Local gatherings and activities that welcome and respect diverse populations
Available social, cultural, and civic opportunities that encourage community engagement
Activities that promote connectivity and active living
Ample opportunities for older people to engage in community leadership opportunities
Purposeful employment that enables seniors to share their knowledge and expertise
Programs that promote lifelong learning, intergenerational connections and new friendships.
Engaging volunteer opportunities that allow older adults to share their talents and skills
Enough gathering spaces that encourage meaningful conversations and build relationships
Information about local events, news, and activities is timely and easy to access
Technology, computers, and other devices are readily available to access information and resources
Communication is shared in a variety of formats to appeal to varying audiences
Support is available to help seniors access local news and information
SHIP is a state-based program that works at the local level to support healthier communities by expanding opportunities for active living, healthy eating, well-being and tobacco-free living, thereby helping to reduce the leading causes of chronic disease and death.
For information on what it means to partner with Wabasha County SHIP on healthy eating, physical activity, well-being, and/or tobacco-free environment projects, please email Tina Moen or call her at 651-565-5200.
Memory Minder Kits
Memory Minder Kits are available at local public libraries across Wabasha County.
Image of one Memory Minder Kit.
Memory Minder Kits first became available at the Wabasha Public Library in 2021 and have now been implemented at all three public libraries in Wabasha County. The kits can be checked out for two weeks similar to a book. Kit contents are evidence-based and provide a variety of interactive activities to boost brain function.
The kits are outfitted with instructions, guidance, materials and supplies to facilitate a variety of evidence-based interactive exercises and activities that stimulate the mind and memory. Examples of activities include puzzles; word, coloring and memory games; conversation starter cards and picture books; relaxing music CDs. Kits are modeled after a similar project in another Minnesota community, which has proven to be highly successful in helping caregivers lead meaningful interactions that enhance cognitive functioning for people with all forms of dementia.
Image of Memory Minder Kits.
Based on the level, activities are designed to prevent cognitive decline for older adults that want to maintain their mental functioning. Other kits target caregivers of seniors who are experiencing mild to extensive memory loss.
Memory Minder Kits can be found at the following locations:
Wabasha Public Library-Eleven kits.
Lake City Public Library-Three kits.
Plainview Public Library-Three kits.
These kits have been circulated 54 times and we would like to see the kits used even more.
Wabasha County Senior Health Action Team (WCSHAT) supported by funding from the Wabasha County Statewide Health Improvement Partnership (SHIP) developed Memory Minder Kits which were launched in 2021.
SHIP is a state-based program that works at the local level to support healthier communities by expanding opportunities for active living, healthy eating, well-being and tobacco-free living, thereby helping to reduce the leading causes of chronic disease and death.
For information on what it means to partner with Wabasha County SHIP on healthy eating, physical activity, well-being, and/or tobacco-free environment projects, please email Tina Moen or call her at 651-565-5200.
Elder Network
Powerful Tools for Caregivers classes offered locally for you.
In June of 2023, Elder Network reached out to Wabasha County Statewide Health Improvement Partnership (SHIP) seeking support to get their Wabasha Program Manager, Bonnie Sandberg, trained to be a class leader for Powerful Tools for Caregivers. These classes help caregivers take better care of themselves while caring for a friend or relative.
About the first class
Offered virtually in October 2023, the first class was a success. Not only did the participants receive powerful tools, but they were offered proper resources to support their real-life journeys as caregivers.
Sandberg says ”we had a really engaged group of participants! They were very pro-active and were really willing to do any assignments that we gave them. They also were seeking more resources on differing levels.” “One couple came and visited our Memory Café and also expressed interest in Respite Care. We are happy to report that those two resources were a welcome addition to their lives. In another situation, a daughter was living with her aging parents and because of her mother’s dementia, the HOA was trying to kick them out of the community. We were able to come alongside her and offer her resources that helped her combat this unmerited action. We feel that in both situations we came along at just the right time, all thanks to the PTC class.”
Powerful Tools for Caregivers
When: Classes meet weekly for six weeks.
Where: Virtual classes are anticipated to begin late February/early March.
How: Class size is limited and registration is required; email or call the number listed with the class you wish to attend.
Cost: There may be a requested donation for The Caregiver Helpbook.
Questions: Call 651-565-3237 or email Bonnie Sandberg, Wabasha County Program Coordinator. You may also call 507-285-5272 or email Holly Brown who oversees workshops throughout Olmsted, Wabasha, and Winona Counties.
Upcoming workshops can be found on the Elder Network online calendar.
See more class offerings on the Powerful Tools for Caregivers Upcoming Caregiver Classes page.
SHIP is a state-based program that works at the local level to support healthier communities by expanding opportunities for active living, healthy eating, well-being and tobacco-free living, thereby helping to reduce the leading causes of chronic disease and death.
For information on what it means to partner with Wabasha County SHIP on healthy eating, physical activity, well-being, and/or tobacco-free environment projects, please email Tina Moen or call her at 651-565-5200.
Connections Cafe
Wabasha County Senior Action Team invites seniors to participate in our Connections Café Activities.
Are you looking for a place and time to gather and socialize with other seniors or community members? Join Connections Café and bring a friend or two for monthly hands-on activities, games, entertainment, or music.
There is no charge and all seniors are welcome!
Connections Café monthly meetings will be held at the United Church of Christ the 2nd Tuesday each month from 1-2 pm @317 2nd St. W, Wabasha.
If there are any questions, feel free to call 651-564-0351.
The Wabasha County Senior Action Team (WCSAT) works collaboratively to implement dementia friendly initiatives as part of the Community Health Improvement Plan and includes representation from Ace Brain Fitness, Elder Network, Gundersen St. Elizabeth’s Hospital and Clinics, Southeast Area Agency on Aging, Wabasha County Public Health, Wabasha Statewide Health Improvement Partnership (SHIP), Wabasha Public Library, community members, and senior advocates.
SHIP is a state-based program that works at the local level to support healthier communities by expanding opportunities for active living, healthy eating, well-being and tobacco-free living, thereby helping to reduce the leading causes of chronic disease and death.
For information on what it means to partner with Wabasha County SHIP on healthy eating, physical activity, well-being, and/or tobacco-free environment projects, please email Tina Moen or call her at 651-565-5200.
2023 Health Care Setting Updates
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Wabasha and Kellogg are welcomed into the AARP Minnesota network of age friendly states & communities.
Communities Acknowledged by AARP
“Well-designed, livable communities promote well-being, independence and resilience, sustain economic growth, and make for happier, healthier residents. Governor Walz, the Minnesota Legislature and the Governor’s Council on an Age-Friendly Minnesota have taken important action to encourage community participation to ensure our state adapts to the needs of our aging population and changing world.” - AARP Minnesota State Director, Cathy McLeer
The American Association of Retired Persons (AARP), recently welcomed Wabasha-Kellogg into its Network of Age-Friendly States and Communities. Now numbering 755 communities, the network provides resources and information on age-friendly best practices, models and research to members working to improve community livability. Membership offers opportunities to collaborate and learn from others working toward the same goal.
The population of the United States is rapidly aging. By 2030, one of every five people in the U.S. will be 65 or older. By 2035, the number of adults older than 65 will be greater than the number of children under 18. These statistics are amplifying efforts to engage and mobilize communities across the country to implement changes that make communities more livable for people of all ages, especially older adults.
Locally, this work began earlier this year in response to the Wabasha County’s 2023-2025 Community Health Needs Assessment. The assessment identifies senior health and mental health as the most important health priorities to address over the next three years. Local action teams have been in place for many years to address these health priorities and implement programs and activities that improve the quality of life for seniors and the mental well-being of all citizens.
Joining the AARP Network of Age-Friendly States and Communities was the first step taken by the Wabasha County Senior Action Team to help identify and implement opportunities to make Wabasha and Kellogg more livable and better able to support people of all ages. Launching an age-friendly initiative confirms a commitment to enable the very old, the very young, and everyone in between to thrive at every age and every life stage. An age-friendly model is derived from the eight domains of livability, which empower people to stay active, engaged, and healthy with dignity and independence as they age.
The AARP Network of Age-Friendly States and Communities targets improvements in the AARP 8 Domains of Livability, originating from the World Health Organization, that influence the health and quality of life for all as we age.
Jim Scheibel, professor of Practice, Hamline University School of Business and longtime volunteer of AARP presents a Certificate of Membership to the AARP Network of Age-Friendly States and Communities to members of the Wabasha-Kellogg Age-Friendly Team.
Pictured from left: Jessica Mollison, Catholic Charities of Southern Minnesota; Jenny Schlagenhaft, Gundersen St. Elizabeth’s Hospital and Clinics; Kathy Geraghty, community volunteer; Maggie Sonnek, Gundersen Health System; Jim Scheibel; Rita Fox, co-chair, Wabasha County Senior Action Team; Mandy Edelbach, Gundersen St. Elizabeth’s; Camille Bruns, Southeast MN Area Agency on Aging; and Jodi Johnson, Wabasha County Public Health and Wabasha County Senior Action Team co-chair.
Not pictured: Tina Moen, Wabasha County SHIP; Abby Oxendine, Gundersen St. Elizabeth’s; Dana Bergner, Three Rivers Community Action; Bonnie Sandberg, Elder Network; Bev Hall, Wabasha Library; Emily Durand, mayor of Wabasha; Scott Lien, GrandPad; Deb Anderson, UCC Church; Jada Herman, Hiawatha Valley Mental Health.
Communities participating in the network commit to improving their livability through an assessment of needs, development of an action plan, implementation of new projects and programs, and ongoing evaluation– all with the involvement of older residents. The eight areas of focus for the age-friendly process are: outdoor spaces and buildings, transportation, housing, social participation, respect and social inclusion, civic participation and employment, communication and information, and community support and health services. Based on input from community members, livability projects are planned, implemented, and evaluated in three phases over a five-year period, with continued assessment and improvement cycles to follow.
“Our age-friendly team represents many local organizations and older citizens and is currently developing a needs assessment that invites community members to identify priorities we need to address that will improve livability and make our communities great places to live, work, and play,” explained Jenny Schlagenhaft, team member. “Participation from a cross-section of local residents will guide the development of an action plan to make Wabasha and Kellogg more age-friendly for all. Community members are encouraged to watch for more information in newspapers and social media about how they can participate in this important assessment process.”
The Wabasha-Kellogg Age-Friendly Team meets on the first Wednesday of every month at 2 p.m. at the Wabasha County Public Health Conference Room, 411 Hiawatha Drive. E, Wabasha. In-person and virtual options provide flexibility for members to engage in this important work. Interested community residents are welcome to attend.
SHIP is a state-based program that works at the local level to support healthier communities by expanding opportunities for active living, healthy eating, well-being and tobacco-free living, thereby helping to reduce the leading causes of chronic disease and death.
For information on what it means to partner with Wabasha County SHIP on healthy eating, physical activity, well-being, and/or tobacco-free environment projects, please email Tina Moen or call her at 651-565-5200.
Powerful Tools for Caregivers is an educational program designed for family caregivers. Read about resources and upcoming classes.
2022 Health Care Setting Updates
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Wabasha County Senior Action Team (WCSAT) launches new version of Memory Café with an updated name and location.
Now known as Connections Café, monthly meetings will be held at the United Church of Christ, 317 2nd St. W, Wabasha starting November 10th, 1-2 p.m.
Connections Café
There is no charge and all seniors are welcome. We want to specifically invite caregivers and their loved ones who suffer from cognitive impairment. In September, we will have Kay (Jensen) Kay from Dancing River Blooms as our presenter. She runs a floral business (Farm to Table!) from her cute little truck you may see at farmers markets or restaurants or hospitals around the area. We are talking about using our lovely garden flowers to create smashing bouquets to enjoy the fruit of summer just a little longer!! We hope to learn how she got into this business and what inspired it!
The Café offers laughter, networking, friendship, resources and an enjoyable afternoon away from the cares of life! Coffee and a treat are bonuses you will find there, as well!!
Please join Connections Café! and bring a friend or two!! If there are any questions, feel free to call 651-564-0351.
THE WCSHAT TEAM works collaboratively to implement Dementia Friendly initiatives as part of the Community Health Improvement Plan and includes representation from Ace Brain Fitness, Elder Network, Gundersen St. Elizabeth’s Hospital and Clinics, Southeast Area Agency on Aging, Wabasha County Public Health, Wabasha Statewide Health Improvement Partnership (SHIP), Wabasha Public Library, community members, and senior advocates.
SHIP is a state-based program that works at the local level to support healthier communities by expanding opportunities for active living, healthy eating, well-being and commercial tobacco-free living.
If you would like information about partnering with Wabasha County SHIP, please email Tina Moen or call her at 651-565-5200.
Memory Cafe
Wabasha County Senior Action Team has been busy supporting local people with memory loss and their caregivers.
The Wabasha County Senior Action Team (WCSAT), working to raise awareness and share resources to help our community age well, sponsored an event held on April 13, 2022 for a virtual reality experience. This experience allowed caregivers to gain a better idea of what it’s like to live with Alzheimer’s disease, Lewy Body dementia or Parkinson’s disease. Many people from the community attended the event at the Wabasha Public Library where they were able to experience, via Virtual Reality, what it would be like to have one of the dementias that impact our society. The experience was brought to the community by Jenna Barkeim, R.N., BSN who is the training center instructor for Benedictine Living Community in Winona; they use the Virtual Reality experience modules there as part of their staff training.
Maggie Sonnek, Gundersen St. Elizabeth’s Medical Community Relations Director
Maggie Sonnek, Gundersen St. Elizabeth’s Medical Community Relations Director
Feedback provided by the participants was very positive:
“I’d highly recommend it for people getting a new diagnosis of dementia; wondering what lies ahead, why their loved one is acting so strange and/or living in denial!”
“The perspective of being the one with dementia was so powerful!!”
“Gave good insight into what the person with dementia feels.”
“I see my loved one get frustrated with what he can’t do and it gave me more empathy/ understanding”
“I learned about people’s light sensitivity and it gave me more empathy / patience for those going thru this battle.”
Click on video to see an example of a virtual reality experience watch A Walk Through Dementia - at home by Alzehimers Research UK
Memory Café Updates
The Wabasha County Senior Action Team continues to host a Memory Café in Wabasha! It takes place on the second Thursday of every month from 1:00-2:30pm. It is held in the back room of the Chocolate Escape in downtown Wabasha. This is a social event for the caregiver and their care receiver who has dementia or cognitive impairment. Attendees socialize, play games, listen to music and enjoy other pleasurable activities. Many people with dementia and their caregivers become socially isolated and a Memory Café is a safe place to socialize and network with others in similar situations.
Please join us or let someone else know about us!
Memory Café
FOR: People coping with memory loss and their caregivers to socialize, laugh, and learn with others in an understanding and friendly atmosphere
WHEN: Second Thursday of each month, 1:00-2:30pm
WHERE: The Chocolate Escape, 152 W. Main Street, Wabasha, MN
THE WCSHAT TEAM works collaboratively to implement Dementia Friendly initiatives as part of the Community Health Improvement Plan and includes representation from Ace Brain Fitness, Elder Network, Gundersen St. Elizabeth’s Hospital and Clinics, Southeast Area Agency on Aging, Wabasha County Public Health, Wabasha Statewide Health Improvement Partnership (SHIP), Wabasha Public Library, community members, and senior advocates.
SHIP is a state-based program that works at the local level to support healthier communities by expanding opportunities for active living, healthy eating, well-being and commercial tobacco-free living.
If you would like information about partnering with Wabasha County SHIP, please email Tina Moen or call her at 651-565-5200.
Veggie Rx
Veggie Rx sees its third year in Wabasha County.
Veggie Rx works to increase access to fruits and vegetables for members of the Wabasha community and surrounding areas by partnering with the Wabasha Farmers’ Market.
How does Veggie Rx work?
The program gives participants $20 per week over the course of 8 weeks to spend on produce at the Wabasha Farmers’ Market.
Over the course of 8 weeks, participants will attend a kick-off meeting to be introduced to the program, attend a midpoint meeting, and attend a final meeting to gather feedback on the program.
All meetings will be conducted both in person at Gundersen St. Elizabeth Hospital and virtually using Zoom in order to reduce barriers to participation and attendance at all three meetings is required to participate.
There will be a newsletter containing healthy recipes and cooking tips for how to use the produce participants receive from the Wabasha Farmers’ Market.
The Wabasha Farmers’ Market has an online platform that allows participants to easily and safely select their produce.
In 2021, the program had 32 participants who received vouchers (donated by the St. Elizabeth Community Foundation) for $20 over 8 weeks to be used on the Wabasha Farmers Market online platform for fruits and/or vegetables. In order to qualify and remain in the program participants were required to attend three 30 minute meetings. Meetings were offered both in-person and via Zoom to increase access. At the initial meeting, participants were given a Veggie Prescription with four “refills.” Then, following attendance at the midpoint meeting, participants’ Veggie Prescriptions were “refilled” for an additional 4 weeks. The program had three participants who did not attend the midpoint meeting, which resulted in 29 participants completing the entire program. Participants also received weekly emails containing recipes and cooking tips and had the option to join a private Facebook group to share photos of the produce they had purchased, photos of meals they made, share recipes and ask questions.
Statewide Heath Improvement Partnership (SHIP) funds were used to expand the project from its pilot year by supporting administration of the program including coordination of orders, co-leading meetings, interacting with participants via email and a private Facebook group, and providing weekly educational content. SHIP funds also helped to purchase reusable bags for the program and educational flyers, which were placed in participants’ bags each week.
Dr. Amy Sapola of Gundersen St. Elizabeth’s said, “The feedback from participants regarding the program has been overwhelmingly positive and all participants have reported consuming more fruits and vegetables. We administered an initial, midpoint and final survey to capture feedback from participants. Additionally, the local financial impact of the project has been substantial as the participants were spending their $20 voucher but often were spending more than the $20.”
A survey will be made available soon for interested participants; watch Gundersen St. Elizabeth’s and Wabasha Farmers Market’s Facebook pages for updates. For those registered in the program, the three meetings will be held on the second Thursday of the month starting July 14. Learn more about VeggieRx by calling Laura Mackey, Wabasha Farmers Market Manager at 715-651-5046 or contact her by email.
SHIP is a state-based program that works at the local level to support healthier communities by expanding opportunities for active living, healthy eating, well-being and commercial tobacco-free living. If you would like information about partnering with Wabasha County SHIP, please email Tina Moen or call her at 651-565-5200.
Invitation to Attend Memory Cafe
Wabasha County Senior Health Action Team launches Memory Café in December 2021.
You’re invited to attend!
FOR: People coping with memory loss and caregivers to socialize, laugh, and learn with others in an understanding and friendly atmosphere
WHEN: Second Thursday of each month, 1-2:30pm
WHERE: The Chocolate Escape, 152 W. Main St, Wabasha, MN
Throughout the past year, the Wabasha County Senior Health Action Team (WCSHAT) has actively promoted resources to help seniors reduce their risk of falling, manage pain and chronic diseases, and become more fit and active to improve quality of life and well-being for aging residents in Wabasha County. Find more information on their hub at Juniper.
Now available at the Wabasha Public Library, these kits can be checked out for two weeks, same as books. Call the library at 651-565-3927 for more information or to reserve a kit. Contents of kits are evidence-based and provide a variety of interactive activities to boost brain function.
A sample of what might be in a Memory Minder Kit.
SHIP is a state-based program that works at the local level to support healthier communities by expanding opportunities for active living, healthy eating and commercial tobacco-free living. If you would like information about partnering with Wabasha County SHIP, please email Tina Moen or call her at 651-565-5200.
THE WCSHAT TEAM works collaboratively to implement Dementia Friendly initiatives as part of the Community Health Improvement Plan and includes representation from Ace Brain Fitness, Elder Network, Gundersen St. Elizabeth’s Hospital and Clinics, Southeast Area Agency on Aging, Wabasha County Public Health, Wabasha Statewide Health Improvement Partnership (SHIP), Wabasha Public Library, community members, and senior advocates.