2021 Community Active Living Setting Updates
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Walking Lake Pepin
Lake City’s “Walking Lake Pepin” continues to be a success in its fourteenth year.
Lake City is a community with a beautiful natural environment that is ideal for outdoor activity.
Walking, running, biking and all moderate intensity physical activities are great ways to improve physical fitness, prevent chronic disease and promote health and wellness. Put these facts together and you have the ingredients for a community event that challenges Lake City residents to commit to increase their physical activity over a 10-week period each summer. Participants demonstrate that Lake City is a community where healthy lifestyles are valued and are a part of everyday life.
Twenty one members of WALKING LAKE PEPIN near the Jewel of Greenhouse in Lake City.
Thirteen members of WALKING LAKE PEPIN at Sand Point Trail at Frontenac State Park.
Everyone is welcome to join the walks, no registration required, just show up.
This is a good way to meet other walking enthusiasts and learn about great places to walk in the local area.
This is the 14th year that Lake City has offered the community active living event, “WALKING LAKE PEPIN.” The event invites all residents to sign up for the challenge and make a commitment to do at least 150 minutes or more per week of moderate physical activity of their choice. Participants can walk, bike, run anytime and anywhere. Those who sign up and track there minutes over the summer are eligible for a drawing at the end of the event.
“WALKING LAKE PEPIN” also schedules a weekly group walk on Wednesday evenings. The group will walk in a variety of neighborhoods, local farms and parks.
This year the group has already walked at Hok-Si-La Park, Sand Point Trail, along Miller Creek, and through the Jewel neighborhood learning about the history of the Jewel Nursery. There are 50 people who have signed up for this year’s fitness challenge and 20-30 walkers are showing up each week for the walk.
More information about WALKING LAKE PEPIN can be found on the “Walking Lake Pepin” Facebook page, on their website, and each week in the Lake City Graphic. Contact Patty Svein at 651-345-4383 for more information.
If you would like information on becoming a BFB, please email SHIP Coordinator, Tina Moen or call her at 651-565-5200. SHIP is a state-based program that works at the local level to support healthier communities by expanding opportunities for active living, healthy eating, and commercial tobacco-free living.
Apply to be a Bicycle Friendly Business
Seeking to partner with local communities and/or individual businesses in becoming bicycle friendly.
Through a program sponsored by the League of American Bicyclists, Tina Moen, Wabasha County SHIP Coordinator, is coordinating with BikeMN to assist local Chamber of Commerces and a few local businesses in applying to become a Bicycle Friendly Business℠ (BFB). Did you know that if your business has two or more employees and you do not operate from a residential location that you can apply for a BFB ranking?
Why YOUR business should apply for the BFB℠ designation:
Nearly 100 Minnesota businesses have applied and have been ranked as BFB’s. They range from our internationally recognized brands like 3M and Target to small businesses with only a few employees. This is not just a Metro Area phenomenon. In January, Fergus Falls, MN made the nationwide BFB top ten list with 18 BFB’s and Walker, MN has the most BFB’s (8 BFB’s and 950 people) per capita in the nation. All have woven the message that places with Bicycle Friendly rankings are great places to work, do business, and live into their marketing, employee recruitment, customer relations, and community development strategies.
Studies have shown that people who lead an active lifestyle have significantly lower costs for health care. Since employers typically pay a significant portion of health care costs, it benefits employers and the employees to promote healthy living. A healthy workforce also reduces the rate of absenteeism.
Businesses that promote bicycling are also recognized for being green and socially responsible. They are conscious of their carbon footprint, aware of their impact on the environment, and are willing to think and act creatively in order to improve the quality of life for employees, their families and the greater community. A Bicycle Friendly Business attracts and retains employees, because people want to be part of a positive environment.
Workshops hosted by BikeMN show attendees what it takes to achieve a BFB ranking. They explain what other Minnesota businesses have done and what their motivations were as well as provide ongoing technical assistance with completing applications.
If you would like information on becoming a BFB, please email SHIP Coordinator, Tina Moen or call her at 651-565-5200. SHIP is a state-based program that works at the local level to support healthier communities by expanding opportunities for active living, healthy eating, and commercial tobacco-free living.
Walk/Bike Advocates
City of Wabasha’s, Heritage Park, has a new addition thanks to the efforts of Wabasha Walk/Bike Advocates.
Working toward becoming a BECOMING A BICYCLE FRIENDLY COMMUNITY℠, the Wabasha Walk/Bike Advocates launched quarterly meetings in May 2018, facilitated by Wabasha County Statewide Health Improvement Partnership (SHIP) Coordinator, Tina Moen. The group continues to provide opportunities for wellness in the City of Wabasha. The group’s newest improvement to the community is the water fountain and bottle filler installed at Heritage Park, near the Wabasha Public Bikes project which launched in June of 2019 and now has 256 registered users.
A new water fountain/bottle filler station installed at Heritage Park. Shown left to right are David Wogen, Craig Falkum, Tina Moen , and Tony Johnson.
“The new fountain/bottle filler station is available for use May through October, as freezing temperatures permit, and will serve those with disabilities, bikers, walkers, and park goers. Previously there hadn’t been nearby outdoor access to water. Thank you to Wabasha County SHIP and Wabasha Main Street for funding this project.”
- Tony Johnson, Public Works Director
Additional activities Walk/Bike Advocates have worked on include:
Greater Minnesota Futures Pilot worked on a master trail plan that can give credibility to funding requests. The mapping will reach bikers, walkers, birding community, and highlight the river assets with connection to resources. This work resulted in a Regional Sustainable Development (RSDP) grant.
The Wabasha Active Living interactive map was created with support from the RSDP.
The Biking Guide to Wabasha was published June of 2019.
Markings were added to 1, 3 and 5 mile SHIP supported bike/walk routes.
For more information on joining our efforts projects, please email Tina Moen or call her at 651-565-5200.