2018 Active Living Strategy Updates

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The Wabasha Bike-Walk advocate group launches.

The advocate group launched in May with a Bicycle Friendly Community Rapid Planning Workshop. Wabasha County SHIP’s priority in hosting this meeting is to work toward becoming a Bicycle Friendly Community (refer to the story below to learn more). During the workshop, the group completed a SWOT (Strengths, Weakness, Opportunities, and Threats) analysis and developed short, medium, and long term goals. The group’s first action planning has been around a bike share program. Meetings have been held monthly with hopes of implementing a trial bike share project in the City of Wabasha in the Spring of 2019. Learn more about the Republic Bikes system here.

Our next meeting is scheduled for October 23, 2018 at 9 a.m. Contact, SHIP Coordinator, Tina Moen email or call her at 651-565-5200 to learn how you can get involved.

Bicycle Friendly Community Resource Guide is available.

Wabasha County SHIP supports our communities by increasing access to opportunities for walking and biking. We were happy to provide information about what makes Lake City a bike friendly community to BikeMN when they were seeking information for their Bicycle Friendly Community Resource Guide: A Toolkit for Minnesota. This resource contains context and a helpful workbook designed to guide communities through the process of becoming more bicycle friendly starting with an assessment of your community. An excerpt can be found below where Lake City is listed on page 20.  Read the guide

Mini grant applications are being accepted. If you would like information on what it means to partner with Wabasha County SHIP on healthy eating, physical activity, and/or tobacco-free environment projects, please email Tina Moen or call her at 651-565-5200.

Lake City receives statewide attention on Bicycle Alliance of Minnesota (BikeMN) blog.

Tina Moen, SHIP Coordinator, attended the SHIP Statewide Meeting in July 2017 where she attended a training offered by BikeMN. Lake City was a hot topic during the training due to their 4 to 3 lane conversion project of 2020. During the training, BikeMN shared an article they posted in their July newsletter titled "3 for me!" in Lake City.  Read the blog

Partial view of Bicycle Alliance of Minnesota website

Mini grant applications were due February 23, 2018. A second round will take place with a deadline to be announced. If you would like information on what it means to partner with Wabasha County SHIP on healthy eating, physical activity, and/or tobacco-free environment projects, please email Tina Moen or call her at 651-565-5200.