2019 Schools Strategy Updates
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2019 Minnesota Student Survey results released.
Report provides student perspective on a variety of areas.
Every three years, Minnesota’s 5th-, 8th-, 9th- and 11th-grade students complete a voluntary, anonymous survey. It includes questions on school climate, bullying, out-of-school activities, healthy eating, emotional health, substance use, connections with school and family, and many other topics.
State agencies use the survey to identify important trends and target effort and resources to more efficiently improve the well-being of the state’s youth. More than 170,000 students participated in the 2019 survey; results of that survey were released on Oct. 17.
Read a news release about this year’s survey.
If you would like information on what it means to partner with Wabasha County SHIP, please email Tina Moen or call her at 651-565-5200.
Fridays at Wabasha-Kellogg School District have a new look for students and staff.
When staff implement 20 minutes of movement with their students throughout the day, they can dress in their workout clothes every Friday.
Thanks to resource support from Wabasha County SHIP, students are now doing exercises such as jumping jacks while they work on spelling and run in place while discussing a subject with their partners. There was little cost to implement this!
Thank you Wabasha-Kellogg School District for partnering with SHIP on healthy eating and active living activities!
Look for the two newly installed water bottle filling stations in the elementary school.
Here are a few resources the district uses:
Stand Up Kids / Move to Learn / GoNoodle
If you would like information on what it means to partner with Wabasha County SHIP, please email Tina Moen or call her at 651-565-5200.
Students at Immanuel Lutheran School in Plainview increase water consumption with SHIP support.
In early April, students in grades K-8 at Immanuel Lutheran School were given a survey to complete about their attitudes and behaviors when it comes to drinking water or sugar sweetened beverages.
The following yes/no questions were asked:
I like the taste of water
It is safe to drink water from the water fountain
Water is healthy
Energy drinks (Gatorade) are healthy
Lots of juice is healthy
Pop is healthy
I should drink water only when I am thirsty
I think I drink enough water each day
Students were also asked to track the following each day:
I brought a water bottle to school
I refilled a water bottle at school
The survey was repeated the week of May 14. The above first set of questions were again asked (with the exception of “I like the taste of water”).
According to the results of the second survey, students are increasing their consumption of water. The stations also tracked the number of water bottles filled. As of June 19, 1,236 bottles have been filled.
It is expected that this number will increase substantially during the indoor sports season since one of the two stations is located near the school gym.
What are students’ attitudes and behaviors when it comes to drinking water or sugar sweetened beverages? We wanted to find out.
Smiley faces show improvement
“Thank you for assisting Immanuel Lutheran School in obtaining these water bottle fillers. I believe it will continue to increase water consumption as well as decrease the waste of plastic water bottles.”
- Michelle MacPherson, School Nurse
If you would like information on what it means to partner with Wabasha County SHIP, please email Tina Moen or call her at 651-565-5200.
Active recess training now available in Wabasha County.
“Movement is the door to learning.”
- Paul E. Dennison, Ph.D., Pioneer in the field of kinesiology & founder of Brain Gym
In May, SHIP Coordinator, Tina Moen, attended an active recess training of trainers early May and is now available to share her knowledge and resources with Wabasha County Schools at no cost.
This curriculum addressed the following for making recesses more active: Mapping, organizing games, recess schedule, equipment management, behavior strategies, and routines and expectations.
If you would like to host this training at your school and/or would like information on what it means to partner with Wabasha County SHIP, email Tina Moen or call her at 651-565-5200.
Students exposed to more than frosty air with the introduction of a cross country skiing program.
In November 2018, Mazeppa Elementary 3rd-6th grade students were introduced to a new program through the support of a Wabasha County SHIP grant when they received “Nordic Rocks” Youth Ski Packages along with in-person training, guidance and curriculum from the company. The school plans to implement the program during the 2018-2019 winter season.
“We plan to teach students outdoor winter activities [cross country skiing] in their regular physical education classes and provide them the opportunity to ‘rack up’ their miles traveling on skis during recess throughout winter!”
-Katie Kennedy, Health Educator
If you would like information on what it means to partner with Wabasha County SHIP, please email Tina Moen or call her at 651-565-5200.