2017 Worksite Wellness Setting Updates

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Raised bed garden at St. Elizabeth's Medical Center

Raised garden beds now at Saint Elizabeth Medical Center.

Raised gardens have now been constructed and are on campus for growing herbs to be used in Saint Elizabeth’s dietary kitchens. Raised garden beds will also contain potted plants and be placed at various campus locations. Efforts to promote healthy eating among associates, patients, residents, tenants and guests will continue to be a priority of the Saint Elizabeth’s Wellness Committee. Staff training will include growing, harvesting and cooking. Fresh, savory herbs grown onsite will substitute sodium used in many menu items. This project has been funded by Wabasha County SHIP.

Lactation suites open at Saint Elizabeth’s.

In April, Saint Elizabeth Medical Center held a grand opening tour featuring for their lactation suites in the Medical Center and Health Care Center. With funding support from Wabasha County SHIP, the suites provide nursing mothers a convenient, private, sanitary and comfortable space to express, collect and store breast milk.

Lactation suites are now open at Saint Elizabeth Medical Center.

Worksite Wellness Coalition Members
Nicole La Chapelle  (Technical Assistant Provider)
Tina Moen  (SHIP Coordinator/Facilitator)
Johanna Majerus  (Lake City Public Schools)
Marcia Schultz  (Plainview-Elgin-Millville Schools District)
Lyn Wolf and Christina Stark  (Wabasha County)
Paula Thompson  (Saint Elizabeth's Medical Center)
Cheryl Brindle  (Great River Homes)
Ramona Redig  (Workforce Development)
Andrea Chapman  (Lake City Chamber Executive Director)
Mary Amsted  (Great River Homes)
Karen Pernu  (Lakeside Foods)

Quarterly meetings topics to be covered during in this grant cycle include:

  • Breastfeeding Support

  • Physical Activity

  • Policies, Systems, Environmental Change and  Social Support

  • Stress Management

Worksite wellness continues.

Six partners from the previous round of SHIP have resumed with SHIP Worksite Wellness efforts, and one new recruit has joined with a total of 22 sites and a potential to reach 1,022 employees. A survey was conducted to determine the order of coalition priorities and the topic of the quarterly meetings. Topics include policy, systems, environment (PSE); stress management; physical activity, healthy eating; tobacco-free environments; and breast-feeding support. 

“Prior to the county joining the SHIP Wellness Coalition, we did not have a vision statement, a logo or any organized plan. We now have all of these and our plan has PSE goals and objectives that have helped give us positive direction. Thank you SHIP for helping us improve our wellness committee!”
- Judy Barton, Wabasha County Wellness Committee Chair